Did you know?
- We are a Gold Standard Cat Friendly Practice! You can be rest assured that we will provide a calm and stress-free environment for your furry friend(s)!
- Cats can get heartworms too! Unfortunately, there is no treatment or cure for heartworms in cats so it is very important to keep them on a monthly flea/tick and heartworm prevention!
- You can now receive your pet’s bloodwork results via text message with a thorough explaination of the results. Ask us about HealthTracks!
- We have a new Veterinarian starting this month… welcome to Dr. Ashley Benson!
For the month of June, we will be offering a free first exam AND 1-month of flea prevention for new feline patients!
Call us today to schedule an appointment.
*This offer is valid for new and/or current clients with a feline friend that we have not yet seen and are adopted. *
*Must bring adoption paperwork to appointment.*

Meet Dr. Ashley Benson!
Dr. Ashley Benson is a 2018 graduate from the University of Florida School of Veterinary Medicine. She joins our lead associate, Dr. Bell, as a proud alumnae of a fanastic university! We are so excited for her to begin her career with us here at MuraBella Animal Hospital.
If you’d like to meet Dr. Benson during her first week, we’ll be having Breakfast With Benson on Monday, June 11th and Wednesday, June 13th from 11am-1pm for clients to come and enjoy coffee, a light snack, and good conversation while they get to know Dr. Benson! We hope to see you there!
Did you know that we have a FREE app?!

Available for both Android and Apple, our app (called “Pet Page”) is a great tool for requesting appointments, prescription refills, and maintain a copy of your pet’s vaccine history! Many of our clients found this very useful during the hurricane evacuations last year, as many boarding facilities will accept the app as proof of vaccines.
That being said, it’s that time of year where hurricanes and tropical storms are happening more often. We highly recommend making sure that your fur babies are completely up to date with their vaccines, especially if you have any upcoming summer travel plans or want to be prepared in case of a natural disaster.
Head on over to your app store and download our FREE app!