We are your resource for dog training and trainers!
During the month of January we are hosting a free meet & greet for our clients with 2 separate dog trainers. Dogs Are Family will be here the 6th and 13th and Sit Happens on the 20th and 27th. Space is limited, and we are almost full so call now for details 904-940-9401!
Did You Know?
Cheerios are an excellent low cost low calorie option when training your dog!
DeeDee’s Story:

That’s when we heard about Karma K9 and jumped at the opportunity to send both of our dogs to a month-long train and board. During the month of training, Karma K9 prefers that the owners do not visit during the time. They believe that it gives them the one-on-one time to learn each individual dogs habits, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and how best to train them. During this time away, the trainers made sure to keep in contact by calling us regularly to give updates and would even text us pictures! Both of our dogs were trained using electric collar reinforcements. While I know this is not the best method for every pet, my dogs are large breeds and extremely stubborn and we were on the verge of having to rehome them if things did not change quickly. (Now that training is complete, we no longer need or use these collars.)
After the month of training was complete, our dogs were completely different… in a great way! They had the same personalities as before training, still very loving and great family dogs, but their behavior was so much better. They know all of the commands! “Sit”, “stay”, “down”, and “heel” were no longer suggestions, but respected commands! Now, we can take both dogs out on walks around the neighborhood and not worry about passing other dogs… they respect our commands and we no longer feel like our arms are cooked spaghetti noodles afterwards!
After Rebel and Max came home from training, we took them to 4 one-on-one training sessions to learn how to continue their training to reinforce what they were taught during the month away. One great thing that Karma K9 offered was if either of the dogs ever needed a refresher training session, it was part of the package that we purchased and we are given the chance to come back for a one-on-one refresher session!
Training has completely changed our dogs for the better! No dog is perfect, that is true, but understanding the importance of training is crucial in obtaining a (semi) perfect pup! No matter what size, breed, or age (although it is important to begin good training at a young age), I recommend finding the best trainer for your situation and learning with your dog! Life is so much easier at home having well-behaved furbabies!
– DeeDee, Veterinary Technician
Dr. Bell’s Recommendation:
Gentle Leaders Dr Bell is a firm believer in using gentle leader headcollars as a training tool. When your dog pulls on the lead it gently redirects their head and body towards you and away from whatever is grabbing their attention (squirrels, strangers, other dogs, etc). This prevents your dog from being choked when they pull and causing damage to their trechea or neck. Gentle leaders can be purchased at most retail pet stores and on amazon. Watch this informational video on gentle leaders and how to use them properly: